How to select the right kitchen Pantry Cabinets


With so many options for different types of kitchen cabinets and storage, it can be hard to know how to choose. Let's take a look at what you want from your pantry and how to pick the right cabinet for your needs.

What is kitchen pantry

A kitchen pantry is a small storage room. It's often located in the kitchen to give you easy access to your food and other supplies, making it easier to make meals at home.

Here are some of the things you'll find in a pantry:

  • Spices

  • Baking ingredients like flour, sugar and baking soda

  • Condiments like ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise (or "mayo")

How big does a kitchen need to be to have a pantry cabinet?

A pantry cabinet is a great way to add storage and organization to your kitchen. Not only that, but it’s also a great way to add additional storage to your kitchen! A pantry cabinet is an excellent way to add additional storage. If you haven’t yet considered having a kitchen pantry cabinet in your home, we encourage you to reconsider this decision and consider adding one as soon as possible!

How big should a pantry cabinet be?

The size of your pantry cabinet will depend on how much space you have in your kitchen and how many items you need to store. In general, a good rule of thumb is that the width of your pantry should be around one-third of the square footage of your kitchen; however, this can vary depending on what kind of items you’re storing. For example, if you have a large collection of baking supplies, then it would be best to select a larger cabinet for your pantry than one with more storage space but less room for baking supplies. Likewise, if you plan on storing appliances in the pantry (rather than having them cluttering up counters), then keep that in mind when selecting which model will work best for you!

How much storage space does your pantry need?

You'll also want to consider how much storage space you need for your pantry. If you're storing food that you use regularly, such as canned goods and spices, it's best to keep them out in the open in a high cabinet so that they're easily accessible. However, if you plan on storing food that isn't used frequently (like special-occasion treats), then store it in a lower cabinet where it can be hidden away until needed. Some people like having two sets of cabinets: one set at waist level on the inside walls of their kitchens and another set mounted above eye level on the walls facing into the kitchen. This way they get twice as much storage!

Storage space is important because it allows us to know exactly where our favorite items are located without having to go searching through various drawers or cupboards every time we need something specific like baking supplies or wine glasses (or both). It also helps prevent clutter by allowing us to organize our belongings according to category rather than just tossing everything together willy nilly into whatever container happens  to be handy at any given time."

How to have a pantry in a small kitchen

The first step to adding a pantry is to figure out how much space you have to work with. If you have a small kitchen that lacks storage, consider adding an island along one end of the room. When paired with bar stools or chairs, this can create more seating space for guests and give them the opportunity to sit down while enjoying meals at home. Next, measure how much room there is between your floor and ceiling—this will help when determining where you want your cabinets in relation to other elements of the kitchen design.

Once these steps have been taken care of, consider what types of items will be stored in your pantry before starting on construction plans! You may need extra tall shelves if there are bulky items like pots or pans involved; otherwise, medium-sized shelves should do just fine overall depending on what type(s) needed

Should I add a pantry cabinet or open shelving?

While open shelving can be more space efficient, attractive, versatile, affordable and customizable than pantry cabinets, they are not always the best choice. If your kitchen is small or you’re looking for a wall of storage to help you organize large amounts of food items like cans and jars then a pantry cabinet may be the way to go.

If you have a lot of dishes or other similar items that don't need to be stored in the oven but would prefer to keep them out of sight when not in use then open shelving could save on floor space. Open shelving also allows for more visibility so it's easier for guests to see what kind of foods are available and encourages interaction between guests at parties and get-togethers.

Will you consider recessing a wall for your pantry, or leaving it open?

If you're looking to maximize your storage space, consider recessing a wall for your pantry. This is an option that will add a lot of functionality to your kitchen and allow you to create custom storage that's not only functional but also beautiful.

On the other hand, if having an open pantry is more appealing or fits better with the aesthetic of your home, consider leaving it open. Open shelving is less expensive than recessing a wall and can be easily cleaned as well as accessed from all sides of the kitchen without any obstructions. There are also no hinges on this type of shelving which means no crevices where crumbs and dirt hide away for years at a time!

How do you organize kitchen pantry

  • Have enough storage.

  • Use baskets and containers.

  • Make sure you have a place to store your food.

  • Make sure you have a place to store your dishes, pots, pans and utensils. These all need their own place so they don't mix in with everything else and get lost or damaged while they are being stored away! (Not fun)

  • Be sure there's a spot for cleaning supplies too!


So, the bottom line is: if you’re planning to use your kitchen pantry as a storage area for food, it should be in an area that’s easy to get to and accessible from all sides of the kitchen. If you have any questions about where best to put yours, feel free to contact us!


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